onsdag 24. januar 2018

Seljakt i Norge 2018 - Seal Hunting Norway in 2018

Norsk Seljakt i 2018, vi fikk skutt 2 stk sel av typen steinkobbe. Jakta på sel pågikk i perioden Januar. Seljakt er en spennede form for jakt og meget utfordrende. Vi var heldige å fikk se mye naturliv og flotte solskinnsdager Norwegian seal hunt in 2018, we shot 2 seal (harbour seal). The seal hunt was in the period of January. Seal hunting in Norway is very exciting and challenging at times. We were very fortunate to see alot of wildlife and the weather was just great.

onsdag 22. mars 2017

How to make a professional metal casting foundry part 1

This is a step by step video on the making of my second metal casting foundry.

Part 2 is coming soon!!

mandag 23. november 2015

Cormorant hunting 2015

Cormorant hunting in 2015 was great fun, Check out the video.
Skarvejakt 2015 var en vellykket jakt, veldig spennende.
Brukte FUD lokkeskarv og hjemmelagde 2D lokkeskarver

onsdag 23. september 2015


Check out full video on my Youtube Channel.
